Mass: skin project

The amount of 3-dimensional space occupied by an object 

Christo - Wrapped Reichstag

Christo - Pont Neuf

Rachel Whiteread - Embankment

Rachel Whiteread - The Uncanny

Rachel Whiteread - Untitled

The vertical force exerted by a mass as a result of gravity

Rune Olsen

Rune Olsen - Instalation

Julian Wild - Gestalt

Michael Purdy - Tatters

Erwin Wurm

The force of attraction between all masses in the universe. Especially things that stand on the earth's surface.

Phillip Beesley - Orgone Reef

 Rune Olsen - Installation

Nathan Sawaya - yellow

Claes Oldenburg - ghost


Presence, Absence
The immediate proximity of someone or something and the failure to be withing that proximity.

Paul Egan - Flying Figure

Christian Richard - playmate 2

Mark Jenkins

Christo - Umbrellas

Dennis Oppenheim - Safety Cones

Primary, Secondary Contours
A line that represents an outline of an object is the primary. The inner edge are referred to as secondary contours.

Alex Nicholos - Iron horse (primary)

Steve Lohman - Hammock (Primary)

Dennis Oppenheim - Journey Home (secondary)

 Christo - Wrapped Night Table (secondary)

 Christo - Valley Curtains (secondary)